
Justice League Movie - 2017 Official Trailer, 1st Look, Posters, Release Date, Story

Justice League Movie 2017 Official Trailer, 1st Look, Posters, Release Date, Story, Starcast, Teaser, Wiki, Box Office, Videos, superman, villain info.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Justice League Movie Official Trailer 2017

The first official trailer of Justice League movie was released in July 2016 in Comic-Con, San Diego. All right, so everybody has been spelled under the hype of the upcoming Justice League movie. This is the installment that everyone needs after being disappointed with Suicide Squad and Superman v Batman. This movie, however, will be more fun and better. Warner Bros. itself promised to the public that the movie will be a lot better than Superman v Batman.

Justice League movie, Justice League movie trailer, Justice League movie official trailer 2017

Official Trailer 2017

Of course this statement has come because of the good reasons. One of them is the critical backlash against the previous two movies. It seems that Warner Bros. has turned the table. It seems to change the way in dealing with DC movies. And it is a good sign. Regardless of Snyder things, this must be a better movie. Because if it is not, the second installment of Justice League will be a daunting task to do by movie creators.

The first proof is the Justice League trailer that seems to be funnier than its predecessors.It showed that Snyder tried new way of the superhero movie by adding light humour. It is of course contradicted with the image of DC Comics superheroes movies by far which are serious, dark, suspense. You see, it happens when Bruce Wayne approaches Barry Allen and lets him know his crusade. Barry Allen quickly answered “Hold on for second. I’m in”. Okay, I laughed. That was funny. It is because no one expected this. Usually, an idealist superhero like Flash will think a lot and long time before joining someone else’s crusade. And again, it is funny in a good way. As mentioned before, it is a good sign that Justice League Movie will be better than Superman v Batman.

Not long after Justice League Movie Official Trailer 2017, Snyder released behind-the-scenes clip of Justice League filming. It showed the fun activities held in the studio. And the cool thing is that there is a spoiler that opens fans eyes. In the 0;38 second mark, Henry Cavill was wearing the Superman costume.

Watch The Movieclips Trailers of Justice League Movie 2017

In Batman v Superman, he was allegedly died. Indeed, many folks have known that he would be back because of the final scene in the Batman v Superman indicated that. But no one expect seeing “normal” costume rather than black Superman outfit which was teased long before the official trailer of the movie released. Of course it is an awkward situation. But at least fans know that they will witness Superman’s action once again.

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