
Justice League Movie - 2017 Official Trailer, 1st Look, Posters, Release Date, Story

Justice League Movie 2017 Official Trailer, 1st Look, Posters, Release Date, Story, Starcast, Teaser, Wiki, Box Office, Videos, superman, villain info.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Justice League Movie Villain

Justice League Movie villain has been hot topic to discuss 2 years before the movie is released. There has been speculation about the appearance of Darkseid. But as the time goes by, the hope starts to vanish. Regarding the villain, I have fetched an information from trusted source that Darkseid will not make an appearance until Justice League 2. Although it is not confirmed yet, it has brought such catastrophic effects amongst the diehard fans of DC comic. It is because Darkseid is one of the most favorite super villain in DC Universe.
Justice League Movie villain

Justice League Movie villain

Apparently, it appears to be the case. I heard speculation before that Brainiac would appear. And the fact just added up. This baddie will appear.

Then, without denials, Steppenwolf comes as the main villain in the film. Steppenwolf and the parademons are charged for the Mother boxes hunting.

And the rumors have turned to be right. Apparently, Darkseid will not appear in the upcoming Justice League film. Instead, Steppenwolf one of Jack Kirby’s New Gods appears to lacerate earth and its existences.

Some of the fans are totally disappointed with the result. Well, this happens because of sensible reason. The speculation of the next villain in DC movie had started when the omega symbol appeared in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. There was this Nightmare sequence hinted at Darkseid. But with the confirmation of Steppenwolf as the main villain, the result is actually pretty satisfying. In fact, most of the fans can’t wait to keep updated with the information regarding the villain.

It has been confirmed that the actor has finalized the final phase of contract. And he will be the Steppenwolf role. But no actor’s names were mentioned. It is completely closed. But it does not mean the name is not revealed. Sooner or later, we will see. 

When people asked if there were any other major villains for the movie, Snyder could not give the answer. He stated that he would not give away everything since it would ruin the surprises. However, rest assured that we will see the appearance of the Parademons, the Darkseid’s foot soldiers. They will definitely play part in Justice League.

The appearance of Steppenwolf was actually hinted in deleted “Batman v Superman” post-credit scene. It is available on Ultimate Edition Blu-ray. The Steppenwolf appears before Lex Luthor in the Kryptonian ship. Fortunately, it is not a rare video anymore. You can see the video in almost every video hosting site.

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